Complete treatment in only 5 days!
Perfect oral health and a beautiful smile in just a few days! Our clinic is the only clinic in Romania giving you this opportunity. Because of our best trained specialists in all dental specialties and the latest technology, we can give the smile you’ve always desired in only 5 days.
Treatment will be relaxing and stress free in a short period of time while the result will be an ideal smile and a pleasant memory.
Thanks to our specialists and the latest technology, your dental appointments will be reduced in number and you will spend less time in the dental chair, therefore we can have prices that anyone can afford.
For a healthy oral status it’s necessary to replace the missing teeth with dental bridges, implant supported crowns, removable partial dentures (RPDs), full dentures (classic or implant supported).
Our philosophy consists in offering you different modern treatment plans, explaining you all the necessary details that will make you understand why we have the best solution for you and your teeth and helping you make the best decision.
Endodontics is that specialty of dentistry which takes care of the internal soft structure of the tooth, often known as “nerve”. The most frequent endodontic procedures are root canal treatment and root canal filling.
Even though tooth extraction may seem to be an easy, cheap, and convenient procedure to get rid of the decayed tooth, it may actually cause more complications in regards to the post-extraction treatment (dental bridges, dental implants) and a higher price.
Our specialists in Endodontics are permanently updating their techniques and use the best dental materials. A powerful microscope gives them the opportunity to magnify the image of every root canal for optimal visibility (which is impossible without the microscope due to the fact that the root canal thickness is similar to the hair’s). Success rate is 98%.
Most common techniques of oral surgery are: tooth extraction, apical root resection, alveoloplasty, gingivoplasty, gingivoalveoloplasty.
These techniques are used only when necessary and they can be performed within our clinic because we have special trained oral surgeons. So, even if it’s about a simple tooth extraction or a surgical intervention, our highly professional staff is waiting for you in a relaxing environment.
A dental implant is a titanium alloy or zirconium rod that is gently placed directly into the jawbone to act as an anchor to support one or more crowns or a denture. These can include crowns, bridges or as a support for loose dentures. Each implant can usually be used to support up to two false teeth. The success rate of dental implant treatments is ever-increasing.
Before insertion of dental implants, our team ( implantologists, periodontists, prosthodontists ) will analyze whether this is the right choice for you.
Dental implants have proven to be the answer to many patients’ dental problems both functional and aesthetic. By replacing just one tooth to a full arch reconstruction, they enable the restoration of a natural smile, improving patient comfort and confidence.
They are left to heal for several months and then restoration takes place using appropriate procedures.
One major advantage of an implant is that it avoids the need to drill down the teeth either side of the “gap” which would normally be necessary in preparation of a conventional bridge. The implant also provides a stimulus to the bone reducing further shrinkage.
Implants can also be used as anchors to improve the stability and retention of loose dentures. Patients find great improvements during speech and eating, increased comfort and renewed confidence. We can often remove the tooth and fit a dental implant at the same appointment.
Call us for a private consultation to begin improving your smile and enhancing your life! Together, we can achieve the perfect teeth you have always wanted.
The aim of orthodontic treatment is to obtain the harmony and the equilibrium between teeth and face, in other words, a beautiful smile. Crowded teeth are unaesthetic; also they cause masticatory problems leading to pain in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Another objective of the orthodontic treatment is to produce a healthy functional bite, while providing a beautiful smile.
Orthodontic consult is recommended prior to the age of 7. The duration of orthodontic treatment may vary according to an individual’s condition, but an average treatment takes about 2 years.
Orthodontic treatment consists in wearing dental appliances, that will apply light pressure on the teeth moving them in a corrected position. The main types of dental appliances are:
– FIXED (braces) – brackets (ceramic, sapphire, metallic) interconnected with a flexible arch wire.
– INVISALIGN – the newest dental appliances, recommended for patients who need limited teeth realignment.
Pediatric dentistry refers to patients that are less than 16 years old. Kids will easily have beautiful and healthy permanent teeth if the temporary teeth have been taken care of and treated when needed.
The treatment is given in a relaxing, friendly and fun environment – based on gaining your child’s trust working together with the parents, aiming to transform the visit to the dentist in a recreational activity for our little patients. We encourage regular visits to the dentist.
Prevention is very important because a lack of oral health at young ages will affect social and educational performances and the development and structure of the permanent teeth.
It is very important to maintain the health of primary teeth and treat those that are decayed in order to maintain the proper space for the permanent teeth. If not, there will be tooth crowding and serious malpositions of the permanent teeth.
The pediatric dentist will observe and decide if the orthodontic treatment is needed (malpositions, dento-maxillary anomalies).
Periodontics refers to periodontium diseases. At the beginning the periodontal disease doesn’t hurt, but undiagnosed and left untreated it can have bad consequences leading even to tooth loss.
Inflammatory periodontal diseases are:
– Gingivitis: sensitive and bleeding gums
– Periodontitis: calculus, periodontal pockets between tooth and gum
– Advanced periodontitis: bone loss, tooth loss
In our clinic we treat with a very high success rate:
– Prevention of gingivitis through oral prophylaxis
– Treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis
– Treatment of tooth movement and periodontitis
– Surgical treatment: scaling, root planing and gingivoplasty
The aim of the restorative treatment is to prevent dental decay and to stop it’s evolution.
In our clinic, by using modern techniques, we successfully treat dental decay and non-carious dental lesions. For dental fillings we use a wide range of dental materials which will provide tooth resistance, functionality and esthetics with a minimal removal of dental tissue.
We prevent and restore secondary and recurring decay. If you have hypersensitive teeth we do in-office procedures which will diminish or inhibit pain.
Sometimes, even patients with a good oral hygiene may still need small “adjustments” for a glamorous smile and natural looking teeth. Other times, the patient may necessitate a more complex treatment for the perfect smile.
We can correct problems with teeth that are: malpositioned (rotated and crowded teeth), too small, unnatural form, colored (i.g. after endodontic treatment).
These treatments can be performed using different techniques choosing the most adequate one for each individualized treatment plan: in-office teeth whitening/ home teeth whitening, composite restorations, highly aesthetic ceramic veneers, ceramic crowns for anterior teeth.
At your request, we have a wide range of dental jewellery.